Meet the Growers

  • Kimberly Paulsen Barbour


    The sea is in her veins. Kimberly spent her formative years on a clam boat with her dad, and knew working on the water was something she was going to do-some way, some how at some point. After studying marine and environmental science and spending the past 10+ years following grad school working in support of local habitat and shellfish efforts with a local non-profit, she knows firsthand how important it is to give back to our bays to help ensure future generations can enjoy and live off of our waters. Aquaculture is a regenerative industry and one Kimberly knew she wanted to be a part of. She established Good Ground Sea Farm in 2020 after years of dreaming and scheming, and is excited to say “We’re just getting started growing good things!” The oysters and clams grown on Good Ground Sea Farm filter water + feed people sustainably. To get to realize these benefits to our bays, and continue her maritime heritage of working on the water, yeah that’s the good stuff.

  • Matt Barbour


    Hailing from a farm family who has been working land on the South Fork for generations, Matt knew from an early age he wanted to continue the tradition and become a farmer, and that he did. He himself however never quite envisioned he’d become a farmer of both land AND sea, but here we are! When Matt isn’t managing the 150 acre nursery and tree farm operation he oversees, he is lending his farming expertise and muscle to his wife’s crazy passion project of operating a sea farm. Co-owner, problem solver, work horse and overall good guy for putting up with everything Kim drags him into, the operation just wouldn’t be what it is without him. Matt can also be credited for helping decide on the company name. Many years ago Hampton Bays was known as “Good Ground”, and growing up his grandmother still referred to it as such. As a nod to her, and the original namesake of the town he now lives in and operates his business out of Good Ground Sea Farm stuck!

  • Ron Paulsen


    His life and career thus far has yielded many impressive things, and it all began on the bay digging clams for a living. If it wasn’t for the Brown Tide of the 1980’s and resulting decline of the hard clam population he may have never left the occupation. Inspired by what he experienced on the bay and wanting to help make a difference to the health of our waters he went on to become an accomplished hydrogeologist, though he’ll always identify as a bayman at heart- and now can add oyster grower to his resume! Ron’s 50 years of experience with boats and working on the water have been instrumental to the success of the operation, and he is proud and and happy to be continuing his work on the water with his daughter and son-in-law. And you better believe we are growing thousands of clams on the farm in his honor to keep tradition going. We even have some exciting plans in the works to restore his old clam boat and welcome her to our fleet so stay tuned for updates on that endeavor…